Welcome to the Treehouse!
We look forward to partnering with you as your children learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus! Our goal is for all children to choose a relationship with Jesus and make their faith active by serving others.
Early Childhood
(Birth-5 Years Old)
Your child will learn... - God made them.
- God loves them.
- Jesus is our friend.
(K-5th Grade)
Treehouse Kids in elementary school will discover their part in God's big story!
Your child will learn...
- to make wise choices.
- to decided to treat others how they want to be treated.
- to choose to trust God no matter what.
SAFETY & Check-in
A security tag system is in place which includes a weekly, randomized code used to identify your child at pick-up. The code is also used for paging in case a need arises during the morning’s service.
Drop-off & Pick-up
Families are welcome to check-in at the check-in stations located both in the lobby or near the upstairs kitchen 15 minutes before the start of service. A Treehouse volunteer will be happy to assist your child to their classroom.
Special Needs
It is the goal of Treehouse Kids to incorporate all children in our Sunday morning programming. Please contact Savanna to discuss needs and placement for your child. A buddy can be requested for children needing extra attention, for one service throughout the morning.